ISSN : 0975-9492


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Title : Phytochemical evaluation, antioxidant assay and GC MS Profiling of Bioactive components present in Camelina sativa L. leaves
Authors : Rakshit Pathak, Shweta Goyal, Anjali Kumari, Mohammed Mohsin, Ganga Bisht
Keywords : Camelina sativa; Methanol; GC MS; Phytochemicals; Polar solvents.
Issue Date : Sep 2019
Abstract :
Camelina sativaL. is a well-known oil seed crop and gaining attraction of various researchers as a source of biofuel. It is not only just an oilseed crop but its leaves have many bioactive components present which has been not investigated and analyzed so far.The present study was aimed to evaluate the phytochemical constituents and characterization of various bioactive components present in Camelina leaves.Spectrophotometric method was used to analyze phytochemical components as well as FRSA assay; GC MS spectrometry was studied to identify chemical constituents of methanolic extract of leaves. Result revealed the presence of phenolic content in various polar extract of Camelina sativa leaves, FRSA activity was also reported in each solvent extract. GC MS report shows the presence of almost sixty-five compounds in the methanolic extract but only fourteen compounds were in noticeable amount. From the results, it can be concluded that the leaves of Camelina contains many phytoconstituents which are neutraceutically important and leaves can be recommended as pharmacological applications.
Page(s) : 264-270
ISSN : 0975-9492
Source : Vol. 10, No.9