ISSN : 0975-9492


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Title : Antioxidant Activity of Hipophae Salicifolia Defatted Seed Extract and Estimation of Ascorbic Acid Content Using High Performance Thin Layer Chromatography
Authors : Rakshit Pathak
Keywords : Ascorbic Acid, HPTLC, Hipophae salicifolia, Methanol.
Issue Date : May 2019
Abstract :
Hippophae salicifolia (Seabuckthorn) is a Himalayan shrub which is well known for its extraordinary medicinal potential due to the presence of various antioxidant components such as vitamin C, Vitamin E, tocopherols, flavonoids etc. as reported in the previous studies. The main concern of the present study was to check the activity of methanolic extract of Hippophae salicifolia seeds by H2O2 and DPPH method and the estimation of Ascorbic acid content using HPTLC method. Seeds were harvested in the month of July 2018 at DIBER High Altitude Research Station, Auli (Chamoli district) Uttarakhand, India. The seeds were shed dried for 10 days and grinded in mixer. Methanolic extract was prepared by soxhlet apparatus and solvent evaporation was done using Rotary evaporator. FRSA content was reported higher than the ascorbic acid standard in case of H2O2 method i.e. 52.54 % and DPPH was also very near to the standard value 76.22 %, ascorbic acid Analyses and its quantification was performed in pre coated aluminium sheet TLC plate (Merck, Silica gel F254) as stationary phase. Samples were sprayed onto TLC plate in the form of bands with Nitrogen (Linomat 5) at the speed of 150 nl/sec. Chromatogram development was done using mobile solvent i.e. Ethanol: Acetic acid (9.5:0.5 v/v). Evaluation (TLC Scanner 4) of developed chromatogram was done at 254 -336 nm (U-V range) using Deuterium and Tungsten lamp. The result showed clear band of ascorbic acid, quantitative estimation was done by standard curve and the values for ascorbic acid in seeds was 195.8 mg / 100 g. Method is reproducible and easy which can be used for herbal and pharmaceutical doses using HS as a source of herbal formulation.
Page(s) : 151-158
ISSN : 0975-9492
Source : Vol. 10, No.5