ISSN : 0975-9492


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Title : Simultaneous Determination and Validation of Etoricoxib And Serratiopeptidase by Area Under Curve and Q-Absorbance Ratio Methods In Bulk and Pharmaceutical Formulations
Authors : Satish Kumar Shetty A, Aishwarya R K, Anil Kumar S M
Keywords : Etoricoxib, Serratiopeptidase, Area under Curve Method, Q – Absorbance ratio Method.
Issue Date : Apr 2019
Abstract :
In the present work two simple and sensitive UV spectrophotometric methods have been developed for the simultaneous estimation of Etoricoxib and Serratiopeptidase in bulk drug and Pharmaceutical formulations. Here distilled water is used as solvent throughout the experiments. Beer’s law obeyed in the concentration range of 12-60µg/ml and 2-10µg/ml for Etoricoxib and Serratiopeptidase respectively. Method A: Area under curve method is based on the measurement of area at selected analytical wavelength ranges and performing the analysis using “Cramer’s Rule” and “Matrix method”. Two analytical wavelength ranges selected were 280 to 290nm and 218 to 228nm for the estimation of Etoricoxib and Serratiopeptidase with r2 = 0.9995, % RSD = 0.7769-1.643 and r2 = 0.9996, %RSD = 0.4446-1.5105 for Etoricoxib and Serratiopeptidase respectively. LOD and LOQ was found to be 0.7090µg/ml and 2.1486µg/ml for Etoricoxib and 0.09132µg/ml and 0.2767µg/ml for Serratiopeptidase respectively. Method B: Q – Absorbance ratio method is based on the measurement of absorbances at two selected wavelengths. One being the λmax of one of the two components (λ2) and the other being a wavelength of equal absorptivity of the two components (λ1), i.e. an Isoabsorptivity point. Here we selected 285nm as one wavelength, which is the λmax of Etoricoxib and another wavelength 228nm, which is the iso absorptive point of both drugs with r2 = 0.9996, %RSD = 0.8359-1.796 and r2 = 0.9996, %RSD = 0.2449-0.6865, for Etoricoxib and Serratiopeptidase respectively. LOD and LOQ was found to be 0.3969µg/ml and 1.2009µg/ml for Etoricoxib and 0.2430µg/ml and 0.7365µg/ml for Serratiopeptidase respectively.
Page(s) : 133-139
ISSN : 0975-9492
Source : Vol. 10, No.4