ISSN : 0975-9492


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Title : Patient Counseling: Altruism Behind Compliance
Authors : AK Mohiuddin
Keywords : Compliance, Adherence,Controlled Therapy, Patient Empowerment Program (PEP), Aging and National Council on Patient Information and Education (NCPIE), Patient Emotion
Issue Date : Nov 2018
Abstract :
While drugs have the capacity to enhance health, they all have the potential to harm if prescribed inappropriately. For this reason, it is recommended that healthcare professionals who prescribe medications should exercise counseling, as general people have least idea and interest about healthcare settings, use of medicine and their untoward effects. Pharmacists have crucial role plays in both handling prescription and prescribing. A rational prescribing is the sole of patient safety, compliance and patient relief. Compliance with therapy implies an understanding of how the medication is to be used, as well as a positive behavior in which the patient is motivated sufficiently to use the prescribed treatment in the manner intended, because of a perceived self-benefit and a positive outcome i.e. enhanced daily functioning and well-being. Although this is often the case, in a number of situations, the physician and pharmacist have not provided the patient with adequate instructions or have not presented the instructions in such a manner that the patient understands them. Nothing should be taken for granted regarding the patient’s understanding of how to use medication, and appropriate steps must be taken to provide patients with the information and counseling necessary to use their medications as effectively and as safely as possible.
Page(s) : 190-200
ISSN : 0975-9492
Source : Vol. 9, No.11