ISSN : 0975-9492


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Title : Variations of Fissures and Lobes of the Lungs in Human Cadavers in Selected Universities of Ethiopia
Authors : Azmera Gebregziabher, Tesfamichael Berhe, Peter Ekanem
Keywords : Lungs, Fissures, Lobes, Variations
Issue Date : June 2015
Abstract :
Background: The fissures in lung enhance uniform expansion. These fissures may be complete, incomplete or absent. A detailed knowledge of variations of classical and accessory fissures is necessary for proper radiological interpretation and guide to cardiothoracic surgeons performing segmental lung resections, lobectomies to have an uncomplicated perioperative outcome. Objective: To assess the variations in presence and completeness of fissures and lobes of the lungs in human cadavers in selected universities of Ethiopia. Method: A descriptive study design was employed to assess the variations in absence and completeness of fissures and lobes of the lung in human cadavers. 43lungs (23 right and 20 left) of formalin fixed Ethiopian cadavers were used for this study, obtained from dissection rooms of Mekelle, Bahrdar ,Gonder Adigrat and Wollo universities. The lung specimens were meticulously observed for the patterns of lobes and fissures, variations were noted and specimens were photographed. Result: 17.39% right lungs showed absence of horizontal fissure while no specimen showed absence of oblique fissure on both sides. 35% of left lungs had incomplete oblique fissure compared to 47.82% of the right lungs. In addition, 2 right sided and 3 left sided lungs showed presence of accessory fissure and accessory lobe. Conclusion: Comparison with other studies shows wide regional variations in morphological patterns of lung fissures and lobes, implying environmental and genetic factors in its development. Knowing the frequency of occurrence of a variant fissure in a particular population can help the radiologist and clinician to make correct diagnosis, plan, execute and modify a surgical procedure depending on the merit of the case.
Page(s) : 981-990
ISSN : 0975-9492
Source : Vol. 6, No.6