ISSN : 0975-9492


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Title : Shoneez (Nigella sativa) and its therapeutic effect in Unani Medicine-A Review
Authors : Shamim Ahmed, Md. Anzar Alam, Sadique Husain, Zaheer Ahmed, Mohd. Shahabuddin
Keywords : Kalonji, Habat-ul-Sauda, Shoneez, Nigella sativa, Unani Medicine
Issue Date : January 2015
Abstract :
The importance of Shoneez may be gauged from the fact that it cures every disease except; death as stated by blessed messenger of Islam. Worldwide Shoneez has been subjected to so much of scrutiny and exploitation as to its phyto chemical constituents. Shoneez commonly known as black seed (Kalonji) belongs to the family of Ranunculaceae. Seeds are used since time immemorial for the treatment of different ailments such as Ziabetus (Diabetes), Zeequn Nafs (Asthama), Sual Muzmin (Chronic cough), Siman-e-Mufrit (Obesity), Tasammum-e- Dam (Dyslipidemia), Sartan (Cancer), Zagatuddam Qawi (Hypertension) etc. The seeds hold both fixed and essential oils, saponin, alkaloids and proteins. Most of the pharmacological actions of the seeds have been revealed due to Nigellidine, Nigellicine, Dithymoquinone and thymoquinone which is a core constituent of the essential oil.
Page(s) : 12-14
ISSN : 0975-9492
Source : Vol. 6, No.1