ISSN : 0975-9492


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Title : Effect of Acid Base on Nifidipine by using UV Spectrophotometer
Authors : Safila Naveed, Fatima Qamar, Syeda Zainab
Keywords : Acidic and basic medium, Nifedipin, spectrophotometers and degradation.
Issue Date : January 2015
Abstract :
The aim of the study is to evaluate the effect of different environmental conditions by subjecting the pharmaceutical formulation i.e. Nifedipine under acidic and basic conditions by using spectrophotometer. It is usually preferred over other methods because of less equipment cost and economical maintenance advantage. The result reveals that the drug is degraded more in acidic medium as compared to basic medium. The absorbance of solution was decreased when subjected to acidic medium and when the solution was subjected to alkaline medium the absorbance decreases many folds as compared to acidic medium.In acidic medium the percent availability of the drug was 21.79% and in alkaline medium the percent availability was 7.26%. we conclude that the drug shows degradation in both the mediums.
Page(s) : 113-116
ISSN : 0975-9492
Source : Vol. 6, No.1