Abstract |
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Purpose: Adverse drug reactions (ADRs) are adverse consequences of drug therapy. ADRs are representing a major concern of health systems in terms of early recognition, proper management and prevention. Under reporting of Adverse Drug Reactions (ADRs) is a common problem in Pharmacovigilance programs. Poor perceptions of doctors about ADRs and risk management have contributed to high rate of ADR under-reporting in India. Underreporting has also been attributed to lack of time to doctor, misconceptions about spontaneous reporting and lack of information on how to report, where to report and a lack of availability of report forms, and also physicians' attitudes to ADRs. The objective of our study was to evaluate the knowledge, attitude and practices (KAP) of health care professional towards Pharmacovigilance and adverse drug reactions in a tertiary care hospital, Bhavnagar, Gujarat, India.
Methods: A cross-sectional questionnaires based study was carried out in Post graduate students and faculties of tertiary care hospital attached with Govt. Medical College, Bhavnagar, Gujarat. Post graduate students and faculties of different clinical subjects working in the tertiary care teaching hospital, Bhavnagar, Gujarat (India) were enrolled and present throughout in study. 22 questionnaires about knowledge, attitude and practices towards ADRs and Pharmacovigilance were developed and peer viewed of all questionnaires by expert faculties from Pharmacology department. We were contacted directly to post graduate students and faculties of respective clinical department, questionnaires were distributed, 30 minutes time given to filled form. Any clarification and extra time was needed, provided to them.The filled KAP questionnaires were analyzed in question wise and their percentage value was calculated by using Microsoft excel spread sheet and online statistical software.
Results: In study, postgraduate residents (n=81) and faculties (n=63) from different clinical departments were present throughout study. Of all post graduate students, an average 27.82% and 40.76% faculties were true knowledge about ADRs and Pharmacovigilance. From attitude of students and faculties towards reporting ADRs, an average 91.77% and 91.53% were agreed to reporting ADRs is necessary, mandatory and increased patient’s safety. In practice based questionnaires, 74.07% students and 71.43% faculties found difficulty like non-availability of ADR form, do not have time, patient co-operation etc. to report ADR. 47.62% in faculties and 43.21% in students said managing patient are more important than reporting ADR. Only 11.11% and 12.35% of faculties and students were found the factors like how to report, where to report etc. discouraging factors for reporting ADRs.
Conclusion: From our study, we concluded that post graduate students and faculties of tertiary care hospital have better attitude towards reporting ADRs, but have lack of knowledge and practices of ADRs. The majority of postgraduate students and faculties were felt ADR reporting and monitoring is very important but few had ever reported ADRs because lack of motivation and knowledge about ADR. |