ISSN : 0975-9492


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Title : Perceived Barriers to the Implementation of Pharmaceutical Care among Pharmacists in Private and Government Hospitals in Metro Manila
Authors : C.C. AGACETA, G.T. Diano, P.M.P. Lintag, M.M. Loquias
Keywords : Perceived Barriers, Pharmaceutical Care, Hospital Pharmacists, Pharmacy Practice
Issue Date : August 2014
Abstract :
This study determined the private and government hospital pharmacists’ perceived major barriers to the implementation of the pharmaceutical care practice in the Philippines. It employed a cross-sectional, descriptive research design using self-administered survey as data collection method. The weighted mean scores from the results of the Likert scale were used to determine the perceived major barriers in the provision of pharmaceutical care.A total of 194 pharmacists from private and government hospitals in Metro Manila participated in the study. The perceived major barrier to the implementation of pharmaceutical care among hospital pharmacist was the lack of support from other health professionals. This result has been consistent with the observation across different countries. However, pharmacists practicing in private hospitals identify the lack of economic incentives for delivering pharmaceutical care as the greater barrier towards pharmaceutical care practice in the Philippines as compared to their counterpart in the government hospitals. This may be attributed to the lower salary and compensation in these types of hospitals as compared to those in the government hospital in the Philippines. Comparison of the responses also revealed that government hospital pharmacist on the other hand perceive insufficient physical space as another major barrier towards their provision ofpharmaceutical care, which was less likely considered to be a barrier by their private hospital counterparts. Other perceived major barriers identified were related to documentation, time and lack of guidelines.
Page(s) : 436-440
ISSN : 0975-9492
Source : Vol. 5, No.8