ISSN : 0975-9492


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Title : Studies on some wild plant species used by the Mising (Miri) tribe of Assam in their traditional food items.
Authors : N. K. Gam, J. Gam
Keywords : Wild plants, Mising, Food habit, Traditional, Religious belief.
Issue Date : December 2012
Abstract :
The Mising peoples are the second largest plain tribes of Assam inhabitation in the Upper Assam particularly along the bank of river Brahmaputra. They are one of the culturally rich ethnic tribe of Assam, mostly dependent on nature for their livelihood. They rear pigs and poultry in every house hold which is a part of their custom. Fishing in rivers and beels is another important practice of these people. Besides, they use plenty of wild plants as vegetables in their daily food items from time immemorial. The paper deals with the investigation and documentation of some important plant species habitually use in their food items particularly in nonvegetarian dishes. In this study, we also observed that the use of some of these plant species is pertaining to their religious belief and festivals also.
Page(s) : 543-547
ISSN : 0975-9492
Source : Vol. 3, No.12