ISSN : 0975-9492


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Title : Effects of Latex (Phytopesticide) on Scanning Electron Microscopic Changes in the Male Accessory Reproductive Glands of Adult Male Insect Odontopus varicornis in Relation to Reproduction
Authors : Ambika.A, Selvisabhanayakam, V. Mathivanan
Keywords : Odontopus varicornis, SEM changes, MARG, Latex
Issue Date : August 2012
Abstract :
Man and insect have been at war for the same food and same places to live in insect attack man and his domestic animals by causing diseases. Man has succeeded in bringing down the insect populations to level at which both of them can-exist to materialize this ecological balance. Insecticides are introduced in modern methods of pest control. The term pesticide is used for those chemicals which kills and control the pest population. Pesticides are one of the major xenobiotic substances that have been used in India for a longer period of management for pest in agriculture fields and control of vectors in public health operations. The toxicity of the pesticides used against pest found to be damaging not only to the pest but also to other animals in the ecosystem. The study was undertaken to find out the effect of latex (phytopesticides) on Odontopus varicornis. They were exposed to latex for 24, 48, 72 and 96 hrs and its sublethal concentration was found to be about 4.1% for 48hrs. When the insects were injected with sublethal concentration 4.1% for 48hrs, the study revealed certain remarkable changes in the scanning electron microscopic of the male accessory reproductive glands (MARGs) such as folded cuiticle, secretory granules contain less secretory substances. It suggested that phytopesticide causes several SEM changes in the MARGs of O.varicornis and affect the reproductive potentiality of O.varicornis.
Page(s) : 421-425
ISSN : 0975-9492
Source : Vol. 3, No.8