ISSN : 0975-9492


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Title : Development of Analytical Method for Risperidone by UV Spectrophotometry
Authors : M.Sravan Kumar, A.Anton Smith, G.Alagumani Vasagam, A.Kottai Muthu, R.Manavalan
Keywords : Risperidone, Spectroscopy, Estimation
Issue Date : March 2010
Abstract :
A simple, sensitive, specific, spectrophotometric method developed for the detection of Risperidone in bulk drug and Pharmaceutical formulation. The optimum conditions for the analysis of the drug were established. The ? max of the Risperidone was found to be 280 nm. The method shows high sensitivity with linearity 2 to 6µ g/ml. The lower limit of detection and the limit of quantification was found to be 1.012 and 3.036 respectively. All the calibration curves shows a linear relationship between the absorbance and concentration and coefficient correlation was higher than 0.99. The regression of the curve was Y = 0.039x - 0.002. Precision of the method was found to be 2.0325 ± 0.044 against the label claim of 2mg. The percentage recovery was found to be 102 ? 0.188. The sample solution was stable up to 2 hours. The proposed method will be suitable for the analysis of RIS in bulk and pharmaceutical formulation.
Page(s) : 122-126
ISSN : 0975-9492
Source : Vol. 1, No.2