ISSN : 0975-9492


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Title : Isolation and characterization of stigmast-5-en-3ß-ol (ß-sitosterol) from the leaves of Hygrophila spinosa T. Anders
Authors : Arjun Patra1, S. Jha, P.N. Murthy, Manik, A. Sharone
Keywords : Hygrophila spinosa, ß-sitosterol, acanthaceae, chloroform extract.
Issue Date : March 2010
Abstract :
Purpose: Hygrophila spinosa T. Anders (Acanthaceae) commonly known as ‘Talmakhana’ in Hindi contains a number of phytoconstituents viz. alkaloids, phytosterols, glycosides, amino acids, proteins, phenolic acids, enzymes, vitamins, sugars, minerals, flavonoids, gums & mucilage, terpenoids etc. The objective of the present study was to isolate and characterize phytoconstituents(s) from the chloroform extract of Hygrophila spinosa leaves. Methods: Chloroform extract was subjected to column chromatography and eluted with solvent mixtures of increasing polarity, composed of petroleum ether, benzene and chloroform to isolate phytoconstituents. The structure of the isolated compound was established on the basis of elemental analysis and spectroscopic evidences (IR, UV, 1HNMR, 13CNMR, MS). Results: A sterol, stigmast-5-en-3ß-ol was isolated from the chloroform extract of the leaves of the plant. The yield of the compound was 0.0046% w/w, m.p. 136-1380C, ?max in EtOH: 206 nm, Rf value 0.72 in Toluene: Ether: Cyclohexane (5:2:1). Conclusions: Hygrophila spinosa contains ß-sitosterol which may be responsible for various pharmacological activities of the plant.
Page(s) : 95-100
ISSN : 0975-9492
Source : Vol. 1, No.2