ISSN : 0975-9492


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Title : Hepatoprotective And Antioxidant Evaluation of Extract of Cissus Quadrangularis
Authors : Syed Sameer, Syed Arbaz Ahmed, P. Polireddy, K. Rajeshwar Dutt
Keywords : Liver diseases, CYP450, Cissus Quadrangularis, anti-oxidatant property, hepato-protective action
Issue Date : Dec 2020
Abstract :
Liver, an important organ that is responsible for metabolism of various drugs. The main enzyme responsible for such function is CYP450 and its subclass. However, if these enzymes are inhibited by metabolites of drugs, it results in various liver diseases. Hence, to diminish such effects, use of natural products are highly encouraged. In our study, we have studies the hepatoprotective as well as anti-oxidant function of Ciccus Quadrangularis. From the results obtained, the ME-CQ extract was found to have hepatoprotective function as it has reduced the liver tissue damage caused/induced by isoniazid and rifampicin and have also shown the regeneration of hepatocytes. Further studies are required to determine its mechanism of action.
Page(s) : 269-274
ISSN : 0975-9492
Source : Vol. 11, No.12
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DOI : 10.21817/ijpsr/2020/v11i11/201112001