ISSN : 0975-9492


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Title : Prescribing trends of psychotropic drug in psychiatry out-patient department in a teaching hospital of Bangladesh
Authors : Baqui QBOF, Any H, Mazumder M, Johora F, Begum HA, Ali M
Keywords : -
Issue Date : Jan 2019
Abstract :
Psychiatric illness has received considerable attention in recent years. Like other developing countries, a certain percentage of population in Bangladesh suffer from different psychiatric illness. psychotropic drugs are used as most common treatment modality for these patients. A cross-sectional descriptive study was carried out among individuals attending the psychiatry out- patient department in a tertiary care hospital in Bangladesh for 4 months period to observe the patterns of psychotropic drug utilization in psychiatry out-patient department. A total 300 prescriptions were included in this study and ssimultaneously those patients were interviewed by questionnaire to indentify the educational and socio-economic status of the patient. Female, less educated, illiterate, house wife, and lower income group of patients generally attend psychiatry out-patient department. Schizophrenia other psychotic disorder (40%) found to be most common psychiatric illness encountered in OPD. The average number of psychotropic drug per prescription was 2.44. Antipsychotic drugs (36%) were the most frequently prescribed psychotropic agent. All medicines were prescribed by brand name. Regarding route of administration, 8.33% of medicines were prescribed in injectable formulation. Overall prescribing pattern was not satisfactory. Customized educational intervention package for prescriber might be helpful for rational prescribing in psychiatric illness.
Page(s) : 1-5
ISSN : 0975-9492
Source : Vol. 10, No.1