ISSN : 0975-9492


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Title : Gene therapy: Current status and future perspectives
Authors : Najmul Hasan, Dr. Savita Saini
Keywords : gene therapy, gene delivery, viral & non-viral vectors, pros and cons
Issue Date : September 2014
Abstract :
The concept of transferring genes to tissues for clinical applications has been discussed for nearly half a century. Advances in molecular biology and biotechnology have helped to understand the genetic basis of inherited diseases and have brought gene therapy to the forefront of medical research. Gene therapy is the process of introducing foreign genomic materials into host cells to elicit a therapeutic benefit. While originally conceived as a way to treat life-threatening disorders refractory to conventional treatment, gene therapy now is considered for many non-life –threatening conditions, including those adversely affecting a patient’s quality of life. Although gene therapy is still at a fairly primitive stage, however, the possibility of success of gene therapy now appears much closer. This is a consequence of the significant improvements made in the development of both in vivo and ex vivo systems for gene delivery and the identification of novel classes of therapeutic genes. Although as of now, gene therapy has not offered any permanent cure to any human patients, a breakthrough may come anytime. The recent results obtained by gene therapy of inherited blindness and of some neurodegenerative disorders encourage firm optimism on the eventual success of this discipline.
Page(s) : 586-593
ISSN : 0975-9492
Source : Vol. 5, No.9