ISSN : 0975-9492


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Title : A Review on Plumabgo zeylanica : A Compelling Herb
Authors : Richa Tyagi, Ekta Menghani
Keywords : Plumabgo zeylanica, chitrak, therapeutic uses, chemical constituents, traditional values, medicinal plant.
Issue Date : April 2014
Abstract :
Herbal medicines are always in great demand, they are in use since the time of immortal. People all around the globe are dependent on herbal medicines because of their non-violent and non-toxic nature. All though there are so many alternative methods available but still people depend on herbal plants for their day to day life. Therapeutic plants are the solution to sinister and incapacitating effect of synthetic medicines. Herbal plants always prove them self as the primary product for synthetic drugs. Plumabgo zeylanica is one such plant of great medicinal importance. Plumabgo zeylanica is widely used plant for its therapeutic practises in traditional system of medicine. Especially the rural people in India are entirely reliant on herbal plants. With the revitalisation of herbal plants across the world, Plumabgo zeylanica is broadly used for commercial preparation of medicines due to its biological activities. So the present study précises our existing information on Plumabgo zeylanica, its major bioactive, traditional and medicinal uses of Plumabgo zeylanica, as an advance to additional study on this valuable plant.
Page(s) : 119-126
ISSN : 0975-9492
Source : Vol. 5, No.4