ISSN : 0975-9492


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Title : Isosorbide Mononitrate versus Dinoprostone gel for Cervical Ripening at Term: Maternal and Fetal outcome
Authors : Pallavi R K , Lynsel D’Souza, S R Nayak, Bharathi Rao, Shameem V P A
Keywords : Cervical ripening, Isosorbide mononitrate , Dinoprostone gel
Issue Date : September 2013
Abstract :
Objective: To evaluate the efficacy of Isosorbide mononitrate versus dinoprostone gel in cervical ripening at term and compare the maternal and fetal outcome.
Methodology: Sixty women with term pregnancies referred for induction of labor with Bishop scores of 6 or less were randomly assigned to receive a 40 mg of Isosorbide mononitrate tablet vaginally (n = 30) or Dinoprostone gel intracervically (n = 30), every 6 hours for maximum of three doses. Subjects were sent to the labor ward for amniotomy or oxytocin if their Bishop scores were more than 6 or their cervices were not ripe 24 hours after treatment. Adverse effects, changes in the Bishop scores, progress and outcomes of labor were assessed.
Results: The median Bishop score after 12 hours was lower in women given Isosorbide monitrate as compared with those given dinoprostone. Adverse effects like headache was more frequent with Isosorbide monitrate than with dinoprostone. The cesarean rate was significantly lower in the Isosorbide mononitrate group than the dinoprostone group.
Conclusion: Isosorbide mononitrate can be used as a cervical ripening agent at term in normal pregnancies without any other complicating factors with minimal maternal neonatal side effects.
Page(s) : 121-124
ISSN : 0975-9492
Source : Vol. 4, No.9