ISSN : 0975-9492


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Title : Characterization of antibacterial compounds produced by the actinomycetes using NMR spectral analysis
Authors : B.Venkata Gopinath, M.A. Singara Charya
Keywords : Actinomycetes, MMKK-5, MMKK-2, BPA, antibacterial activity, NMR spectra
Issue Date : February 2013
Abstract :
A total of 3 strains were found with potential antibacterial activity. The MMKK5 strain showed moderate, good and excellent growth in GAA broth during 7, 14 and 21 day of incubation respectively while in starch-casein broth weak growth observed in 7 days incubation but finally at twenty one days showed excellent growth. MMKK2 showed moderate to good growth up to 21 days of incubation. Whereas, MMKK2 and BPA showed good growth in both the media in 21 days of incubation. MMKK5 strain found to be highly active against test microorganisms like Bacillus subtilis, Bacillus megaterium and Bacillus stearothermophilus and was modertately active against Bacillus cereus and Staphylococcus aureus. MMKK2 showed its high inhibitory activity to B. cereus and B. megaterium while showed moderate inhibition with B. subtilis, S. aureus and B. sterothermophilus. BPA showed moderately active inhibition to only Bacillus cereus and Micro luteus, while all other bacteria were passive or with slight activity. The NMR spectra of MMKK5 showed purely aliphatic compounds, the signals were normalized to the integral of the spectral region 8 to 9 shows aldehyde group and showed the compound slightly soluble with methanol, ethyl acetate showed carboxylic groups, showing the aliphatic aminoaldehyde (Gummy solid CH2 group 3.22 at 2 ppm) and two (CH3 groups 1.88 and 3.02 correlated at 1 ppm). NMR spectra of MMKK2 showed singlet, doublet peak multiplicity signals showed NH, CH2, CH3 groups signal 1.67 and 2.63 correlated 2.44 at 1 ppm of CH3 group. Singlet signals 2.52 and 3.00 at 2 ppm of CH2 group. NMR spectra of BPA in DMSO-d6 showed signal regions were normalized to the integral of the spectral region 8 to 9 ppm showed 1.32 and 2.33 singlet signal at 5 to 6 ppm and 1.97 at 7.5 ppm.
Page(s) : 25-35
ISSN : 0975-9492
Source : Vol. 4, No.2