ISSN : 0975-9492


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Title : New Simple UV Spectrophotometric Method for Determination of Mirtazapine in Bulk and pharmaceutical dosage forms
Authors : Sk. Benajeer, K. Venkata ramana, V.Koti reddy, A.Anil kumar
Keywords : Mirtazapine, UV-Spectrophotometry, Tablets, Estimation.
Issue Date : October 2012
Abstract :
Mirtazapine is chemically a tetratetracyclic (pyridodibenzazepine) derivative which is classified as a noradrenergic and specific serotonergic antidepressant (NaSSA). Mirtazapine acts as an antagonist at central pre-synaptic a2-receptors, inhibiting negative feedback to the presynaptic nerve and causing an increase in NE release. It is also used for the treatment of Posttraumatic stress disorder. In present work, simple, sensitive, accurate and economical spectroscopic method has been developed for the estimation of mirtazapine in bulk and its pharmaceutical dosage forms. An absorption maximum was found to be at 232nm with the solvent system phosphate buffer (pH 6.8). The drug follows beer’s law in the range of 5-30µg/ml with correlation coefficient of 0.999. The percentage recovery of mirtazapine ranged from 99.57-100.26% in pharmaceutical dosage form. Results of the analysis were validated for accuracy, precision, LOD, LOQ and were found to be satisfactory. The proposed method is simple, rapid and suitable for the routine quality control analysis.
Page(s) : 482-486
ISSN : 0975-9492
Source : Vol. 3, No.10