ISSN : 0975-9492


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Title : Quantitative analysis of piperine in ayurvedic formulation by UV Spectrophotometry
Authors : Gupta Vishvnath, Jain U. K.
Keywords : finger printing, piperine, Sitopaladichurna, UV-Spectrophotometer.
Issue Date : February 2011
Abstract :
A simple and reproducible UV- spectrophotometric method for the quantitative determination of piperine in Sitopaladi churna (STPLC) were developed and validated in the present work. The parameters linearity, precision , accuracy, and standard error were studies according to indian herbal pharmacopiea. In this present study a new, simple, rapid, sensitive, precise and economic spectrophotometric method in ultraviolet region has been developed for the determination of piperine in market and laboratory herbal formulation of Sitopaladi churna. which were procured and purchased respectively from the local market and they were evaluated as per Indian herbal Pharmacopoeia and WHO guidelines. The concentration of piperine present in raw material of PSC was found to be 1.45±0.014 w/w in piper longum fruits. Piperine has the maximum wavelength at 342.5 nm and hence the UV spectrophotometric method was performed at 342.5 nm. The samples were prepared in methanol and methos obeys Beers law in concentration ranges employed for evaluation. The content of piperine in ayurvedic formulation was determined. The result of analysis have been validated statistically and recovery studies confirmed the accuracy of the proposed method. Hence the proposed method can be used for the reliable quantification of Piperine in crude drug and its herbal formulation.
Page(s) : 58-61
ISSN : 0975-9492
Source : Vol. 2, No.2