ISSN : 0975-9492


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Title : Immunomodulatory Activity of Abutilon Indicum linn on Albino Mice
Authors : N. L. Dashputre*, N. S. Naikwade
Keywords : Abutilon indicum, Immunomodulation, antibody titre, delayed type hypersensitivity, phagocytic index.
Issue Date : April 2010
Abstract :
Purpose: To study the immunomodulatory activity of aqueous and ethanol extracts of leaves of Abutilon indicum Linn. (Family: Malvaceae) on albino mice.
Methods: The ethanolic and aqueous extract of leaves of Abutilon indicum was administered orally at the dosage levels of 200 mg/kg/day and 400 mg/kg/day body weight in mice. The assessment of immunomodulatory activity on specific and non-specific immunity were studied by heamagglutination antibody (HA) titer, delayed type hypersensitivity (DTH), neutrophil adhesion test and carbon clearance test. In order to induced immunosuppresion in mice by using cyclophosphamide (100 mg/kg/day, p.o.) and levamisole (50 mg/kg/day, p.o.) used as immunostimulating agents.
Results: Oral administration of A. indicum showed a significant increase in the production of circulating antibody titre in response to sheep red blood cells (SRBCs). A significant (p<0.01) increase in both primary and secondary HA titre was observed when compared to control group, whereas in cyclophosphamide treated group
A. indicum showed significant (p<0.01) increase in HA titre. A. indicum showed significantly (p<0.01) potentiated the DTH reaction by facilitating the footpad thickness response to SRBCs in sensitized mice. Also
A. indicum evoked a significant (p<0.01) increase in percentage neutrophil adhesion to nylon fibers and phagocytic activity.
Conclusion: The study demonstrates that A. indicum triggers both specific and non-specific responses to a greater extent. The study comprised the acute toxicity and preliminary phytochemical screening of A. indicum. From the results obtained and phytochemical studies the immunostimulant effect of AI could be attributed to the flavonoid content.
Page(s) : 178-184
ISSN : 0975-9492
Source : Vol. 1, No.3