ISSN : 0975-9492


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Title : Does screening of pregnant women prevent mother to child transmission of HIV?A study in nsukka urban area of Enugu State, Nigeria.
Authors : Momoh, M. A and Ezugwuorie, O. J
Keywords : HIV Screening, prevention, PMTCT, pregnant women.
Issue Date : February 2010
Abstract :
Background: One of our best opportunities for progress against AIDS lies in preventing mothers from passing on the HIV virus to their children. Worldwide, close to 2,000 babies are infected with HIV every day, during pregnancy, birth or through breast feeding. Most of those infected will die before their fifth birthday. The ones who are not infected will grow up as orphans when their parents die of AIDS. New advances in medical treatment give us the ability to save many of these young lives. Hence, pregnancy provides a unique opportunity for implementing prevention strategies against HIV infection, through early intervention and possibly prevent the transfer from mother to child.. Hence this research, Does screening of pregnant women prevent mother to child transmission of HIV?
Methods: From January 2007 to June 2008, A total of 2956 pregnant women that registered for antenatal clinics in a missionary hospital in nsukka were counselled and tested for HIV virus. Rapid test method were used, three different kits was employed for the test. CD4+ count was done for the positive clients and subsequent recommend for appropriate ART treatment or prophylaxis.
Results: A total of 2956 pregnant women were recruited in the study. Twenty six (0.8%) pregnant women tested positive, out of these number eighteen (69.2%) of the positive candidates has CD4+ count ≤ 230 cells/μl . this were later placed on ARV prophylaxis till birth after proper adherence counselling.
Conclusions: The result show that statistics was significant, also the screening has provide an avenue to prevent the child from contacting the virus during labour or breastfeeding, the figure may look very small , but in HIV prevention a single life is very much important because through one person the virus can wipe a whole generation. the researcher therefore suggested that screening should be encourage for all pregnant women after due counselling.
Page(s) : 1-6
ISSN : 0975-9492
Source : Vol. 1, No.1